What is a Maternity Nurse?
A Maternity Nurse is an experienced and qualified professional who provides essential support, advice, and respite to new parents following the birth of their baby.Their role empowers parent's confidence in caring for their new bundle of joy, whilst allowing the mother time to rest and recover from the birth.
Why should I hire a Maternity Nurse?
What are the duties of a Maternity Nurse?
Provides essential advice on feeding, bathing, sleeping, equipment, and establishing routines.
Educates parents on suitable settling and soothing techniques.
Breastfeeding support and encouragement.
Cleaning and sterilising all feeding equipment.
Assisting with night time breastfeeds, and pumping.
Breast massage, if necessary to maintain a good supply.
If baby is bottle fed, performing all night feeds.
Resettling baby after feeds to allow the mother time to rest.
Supporting the new mother through times of stress, illness, and postnatal depression.
Assist in integrating the new baby into a family where siblings are present.
What are some of the challenges new mums face when hiring a maternity nurse?
To be honest, the biggest challenge a mum faces when hiring a maternity nurse is letting them go after she has tried the service! Aside from getting very attached to the service as they get used to that expert support, peace of mind and enjoying the sleep that comes with having a professional caring for your child, the nurses become members of their family and of course it is a transition for everyone when they eventually move on. - Lily Kanadalft